Liberty walking with your horse deepens the working bond

I’m reblogging this Body Language blog from 2013 this week as I’ve been at a clinic all weekend and haven’t had time to write one. Take a look and watch the video. If you like the blog, consider subscribing so you can receive the blog on a weekly basis. Thank you , Susan

Body Language

Walking with your horse deepens the bond between human and the horse in a special way. Once you’ve brought your horse through the other practices*, liberty walking with your horse without a lead rope or any tack at all has a different energy to it. From there you can really assess your horse’s energy and how she changes and drops away from you, while at the same time you can feel her “glue.” The more you encourage walking side by side the better the horse gets at walking with you, and it is something you can enjoy together.

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In the first day of a clinic, I like to be able to bring some horses along to this point. It’s great because people can really feel the connection then, and learn not to get hurt feelings if the horse drops off. Also when first starting out, we may only get a…

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