About this blog:

Susan Smith is a certified advanced practitioner of Ortho-Bionomy and Equine Ortho-Bionomy, non-force bodywork modalities that employ the body’s innate self-corrective reflex for healing. She is also the Founder, Owner and Trainer at Horses at Liberty Foundation Training, a company devoted to the non-force liberty training of horses and their people. She also works with people, and people in relationship with their horses. Her two companies, OrthoHorse and Horses at Liberty Foundation Training, address each of these studies and often intertwine.


Susan is also a published author and editor, with a number of articles published in equine publications such as Western Horseman, Trail Blazer and publishes her own blog, Body Language. She is also the author of 35 childrens books and novels.

“Starting this blog is an effort to track my growth and that of students, friends and clients in the work with both Ortho-Bionomy and Equine Ortho-Bionomy, as well as my continuing study of complementary, effective horsemanship applications. Sometimes these studies intersect and nourish each other, which shows me new avenues of exploration. I’m continually excited by my work and the work of others in my fields and look forward to having a place to share these stories.”

5 thoughts on “About this blog:

  1. I have been asked to participate in a blog tour. It is a pretty simple one that asks you to answer 4 questions and recommend three bloggers. Would you be interested in being one of my three? The current theme seems to be women writers rehabilitating horses and your blog is perfect for that!
    If not, please send me a quick no so I can ask somebody else.

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